Who We Are 

At Cedar Falls Utilities, our company is built on our core values: customer focus, employee teamwork & personal growth, innovation and ethical & responsible behavior.

At CFU, these are more than just words. Our core values guide decision making, support a shared vision, drive us towards our mission and shape our culture. Our core values are the principles that unite us as we provide essential utility services to our community. As we usher in the next generation of employees at CFU, our shared belief in these core values will ensure we continue for generations to come.


Customer Focus

Jacob Boeschen, Energy Services Specialist

"Knowing that the services I perform possess beneficial impacts on comfort, health, and quality of life is tremendously fulfilling. I’m proud to continue to maintain a high standard and reputable level of integrity that has been established by decades of reliability and top-quality customer service."

Employee Teamwork & Personal Growth

Jody Walton, Electric Services Specialist

"At CFU we provide life sustaining services to the entire community. When we’re dealing with serious situations like large outages and storm recovery efforts, communication and teamwork are key in getting power restored quickly and safely. Everyone plays a part."



Garrett Ramthun, GIS Supervisor

"Innovation is at the forefront of our department. With recent integrations, we can now use our maps to manage and analyze our utility network with accuracy. The goal is to give any employee at CFU the confidence to use the maps and data that we provide to make an informed decision to uphold the responsibilities we have to our community."

Ethical & Responsible Behavior

Alissa Dyer, Lead Communications Technician

"There are some companies that say they’re all about customer service, but time and time again CFU has proven that they are and will go above and beyond to do what is right for customers. This is reflected in the positive things customers have to say about our service. It actually prompts more people to live in and want to stay in Cedar Falls."